Every HR/Manager should know this.
1. How do you deal with team members or coworkers who oppose or disagree with your views?
2. Have you ever been able to guide someone? What were the results?
3. How do you prepare to speak in front of a group of people?
4. Do you have any experience leading meetings and facilitating discussions?
5. What do you find hardest when you manage a project?
6. Do you able to delegate, and do you prefer to be involved in every task?
7. Have you been a manager before? How many people did you manage?
8. How would you handle the team & describe your management style?
9. How do you reward people for their hard work?
10. What do you do when an employee makes a mistake?
11. How do you rate the success of the team?
12. Which leader(s) do you look up to and try to idealize yourself?